Starr Strength Cast Ep 2. Online programs : Choosing the right one for you.

by | Jun 12, 2020 | Starr Strength

In this podcast Darren Shaw, 10 year CrossFit affiliate owner interviews Luke Starr owner and head coach at Starr Strength and Performance about…

0-3:37 mins : Why has online training and coaching become so popular and what types of athletes are attracted to online coaching?

3:38-8:13 mins : What are the differences in the online programs from individual 1-on-1 premium coaching to free group blog style and where does Starr Strength fit into this mix and why does Luke think a hybrid system works so well.

8:13-15:55 mins : Finally we dig into how to choose the right online program for you plus how to be a good online athlete and how long you need to give a new online program.

Speak to the man himself (Luke Starr) to discuss your training goals in a free 15-minute Zoom call.