How to best manage muscle soreness

by | Aug 23, 2017 | Starr Strength

One of our Starr Strength Body trainees recently asked me how I would approach warm-up and cool down to best manage muscle soreness, particularly on those heavier days.

I thought I’d share these four tips with you. They are nothing innovative and you likely already know them so I hope this serves as a helpful reminder.

  1. A more comprehensive warmup may help.I generally recommend 3min of easy Rowing/Cycling/Cardio, followed by 3-5min of dynamic mobility for the hips and shoulders, followed by steady build up in weight for the first main lift.This will usually consist of about 15 reps with the bar, pausing in any positions that feel a bit tight.I’ll then add a light load an do another 10 reps, and then I’ll start working up in weight.
  2. How you cool down/finish the session can also help prevent soreness.If it’s been a particularly tough session, it’s definitely worth doing about 5min of easy cardio to flush the system, followed by 5-10min of static stretching which will help the muscles relax and prevent them from staying tight after the session.
  3. Keep inflammation to a minimum within the body. Diet and lifestyle play a massive role here. If you are undergoing stress or your diet is high in sugar, alcohol, processed foods and/or trans fats, then you will be more prone to muscle soreness due to more inflammation happening inside your body which impedes you recovery process.Also consider your omega 3 intake from fish needs to be in the diet 1-2 times per week at least.
  4. Active recovery sessions and gentle movement in general will help make the body feel better. Try to not to be sitting at a desk for extended periods without getting up and moving around. A recovery swim goes a long way, as does an evening stretching session if you trained in the morning, or vice versa.